Б, В
"Троєщина" Деснянського
району м. Києва
Вчитель: Бизова Н.І.
Дата: 23.10.2014
Вчитель: Бизова Н.І.
Дата: 23.10.2014
Тема уроку: Інтернет стосунки. Чи слід обмежувати спілкування в Інтернеті?
Практична мета: Активізувати навички аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення у вигляді дискусії за темою. Підготувати учнів до спілкування з американськими та тайванськими підлітками в Інтернеті.
Освітня: Закріпити правила проведення академічної структурованої дискусії засобами англійської мови.
Виховна: Виховувати глобального підлітка, толерантну людину, готову слухати та чути різні точки зору і шукати зони порозуміння, бути активною в обговоренні в класі і в подальшому на міжнародному онлайн майданчику Wiki TV з учнями США і Тайваню.
Обладнання: комп'ютер, проектор, екран, мережа Інтернет, онлайн інструкції для ведення структурованої академічної дискусії міжнародної програми “Deliberating in a Democracy”, матеріали підручника для 11 класу, фотоапарат, анонс дискусії на українському каналі онлайн майданчика Wiki TV.
I. Вступ
I. Вступ
Привітання вчителя та учнів. Учні
пригадують правила ведення дискусії,
опрацьовані на попередньому уроці
(роздатковий аркуш №1):
everybody. At the previous lesson you revised the rules of
deliberation. What are they?
• Read
the material carefully.
• Focus
on the deliberation question.
• Listen
carefully to what others are saying.
• Check
for understanding.
• Analyze
what others say.
• Speak
and encourage others to speak.
• Refer
to the reading to support your ideas.
• Use
relevant background knowledge, including life experiences, in a
logical way.
• Use
your heart and mind to express ideas and opinions.
• Remain
engaged and respectful when controversy arises.
• Focus
on ideas, not personalities.
Учні працюють в групах по 4-5 чоловік,
розповідаючи факти, які найбільше їх
зацікавили в тексті домашнього завдання
Pros and Cons of Online Dating
home you read the text The Pros and Cons of Online Dating and found
interesting facts and ideas. Split into groups of 4-5 people and tell
about those facts and ideas.
розповідають ідеї та факти, які їх
II. Основна частина.
1. Учні записують на роздатковому аркуші № 2 ключове питання дискусії:
II. Основна частина.
1. Учні записують на роздатковому аркуші № 2 ключове питання дискусії:
the Deliberation Question in the space provided on Handout №2.
Deliberation Question is the following: Should online communication
be limited?
працюють в групах з 2-3 чоловік, отримавши
завдання, знайти в тексті аргументи
“за” і “проти” змісту ключового
питання відповідно до відведеної мети.
Кожна група представляє свої аргументи
згідно заданої ролі, інша уважно слухає.
Brown felt deceived when he met Linda in real life because she
looked different from what he had expected after communicating
online, etc.
White says that her working day made it impossible for her to meet
new people, so she was happy to meet Craig online and soon they got
married, etc.
група називає найбільш переконливі
аргументи протилежної сторони.
White was happy to meet Craig online and soon they got married, etc.
Brown felt deceived,
записують власні аргументи для ключового
питання: Чи слід обмежувати спілкування
в Інтернеті?
В групах з 5-6 чоловік учні висловлюють
власні аргументи, обговорюючи ключове
питання і шукаючи місця загальної згоди
the most popular way to communicate with other people is the
Internet. There are a lot of pros and cons of online
You are invisible because you are not talking face-to-face, you do not have to meet any of the usual social standards including dress and behaviour. You can speak easily with your friends or relatives, who live in another country. There are a lot of programs, for example, skype, viber. They make your communication easier.
You are invisible because you are not talking face-to-face, you do not have to meet any of the usual social standards including dress and behaviour. You can speak easily with your friends or relatives, who live in another country. There are a lot of programs, for example, skype, viber. They make your communication easier.
there are some cons of communication online. For example, people who
do a lot of chatting and always sit not far from the
don't have
his or her friends. What
is more,
they can worsen their health
To my mind, online communication is a good thing, but you should have time to see your friends, to spend time with them. So, online communication should be limited.
To my mind, online communication is a good thing, but you should have time to see your friends, to spend time with them. So, online communication should be limited.
I agree with you that today
our life is connected with the
We live in the century of gadgets and technical progress. And of
course online communication is very popular today.
Online communication is quick and comfortable. It is also good for busy people. If you are a hard-working person, online chat is a good way to talk to people. You are right, It is good for people who live far from each other. They don’t have opportunities to go for a walk together or to speak in real life.
This is suitable for shy people because they feel more confident.
It is a wonderful way to explore the world for disabled people. Thanks to online communication these people feel needed.
But on the other hand, online communication is sometimes very dangerous. In social networks people often lie a lot. They can tell us all they want. Also, when you talk a lot on the Internet, your real communication deteriorates. Virtual life displaces reality. Usually, people who met on the Internet don’t feel any spark in real life
But as for me, the worst factor is computer addiction. It is like drugs or alcohol. It is very dangerous, and in this situation relatives and friends must help these people. This dependence leads to very bad consequences, even death.
So, in my opinion online communication must be limited, because it is very dangerous for our health and life in general.
Online communication is quick and comfortable. It is also good for busy people. If you are a hard-working person, online chat is a good way to talk to people. You are right, It is good for people who live far from each other. They don’t have opportunities to go for a walk together or to speak in real life.
This is suitable for shy people because they feel more confident.
It is a wonderful way to explore the world for disabled people. Thanks to online communication these people feel needed.
But on the other hand, online communication is sometimes very dangerous. In social networks people often lie a lot. They can tell us all they want. Also, when you talk a lot on the Internet, your real communication deteriorates. Virtual life displaces reality. Usually, people who met on the Internet don’t feel any spark in real life
But as for me, the worst factor is computer addiction. It is like drugs or alcohol. It is very dangerous, and in this situation relatives and friends must help these people. This dependence leads to very bad consequences, even death.
So, in my opinion online communication must be limited, because it is very dangerous for our health and life in general.
people all over the world use the Internet to stay in touch with
each other. There are lots of different applications or social
networks that make online communication interesting, comfortable and
funny. Obviously there are some advantages and drawbacks in online
communication, so is it generally a useful and great thing or a
harmful one?
It is true that the pace of modern life is very hectic today and we need a way of connection that is quick, easy and handy. Different social networks give us an opportunity to stay in touch with our friends and relatives by sending them instant messages or even having a video chat. You can text your pal whenever you need and from wherever you are. Online communication is also highly convenient if your friends or family live far away from you and the only easy way to reach them is using the Internet. Many people agree that using social networks is a comfortable way for humble and shy people to make new friends.
Although there are plenty of pros in online communication, there are some severe disadvantages. Unfortunately, not all the users of the Internet are open people with good intentions. There are risks of meeting maniacs, liars and crooks. So you have to be very attentive and cautious when you are making new acquaintances on the Internet. Online communication can never replace live conversations, but lots of people get used to the comfort that the Internet provides and they do not intend to go and meet someone in person, since they feel more confident and easy on the Internet than in real life.
To sum up, online communication clearly has some pros and cons, but I believe that there are definitely more advantages that are quite weighty. If you use it for good purposes and avoid strangers, there shouldn't be any problems. Online communication makes our lives more colorful and exciting. We just have to be cautious and responsible for what we post on the Internet, so that there is a low probability of getting into troubles.
It is true that the pace of modern life is very hectic today and we need a way of connection that is quick, easy and handy. Different social networks give us an opportunity to stay in touch with our friends and relatives by sending them instant messages or even having a video chat. You can text your pal whenever you need and from wherever you are. Online communication is also highly convenient if your friends or family live far away from you and the only easy way to reach them is using the Internet. Many people agree that using social networks is a comfortable way for humble and shy people to make new friends.
Although there are plenty of pros in online communication, there are some severe disadvantages. Unfortunately, not all the users of the Internet are open people with good intentions. There are risks of meeting maniacs, liars and crooks. So you have to be very attentive and cautious when you are making new acquaintances on the Internet. Online communication can never replace live conversations, but lots of people get used to the comfort that the Internet provides and they do not intend to go and meet someone in person, since they feel more confident and easy on the Internet than in real life.
To sum up, online communication clearly has some pros and cons, but I believe that there are definitely more advantages that are quite weighty. If you use it for good purposes and avoid strangers, there shouldn't be any problems. Online communication makes our lives more colorful and exciting. We just have to be cautious and responsible for what we post on the Internet, so that there is a low probability of getting into troubles.
should say that there are both advantages and disadvantages of online
communication. As a result of the discussion we can mention some of
the areas of agreement:
- cheap
- collaboration with people abroad
- finding new or old friends
- studying online
- sharing images, videos and other materials
- you can't see your partner's emotions
- strangers can be dangerous
- bad influence on your health
- online games, addiction
- Individuality degradationУчень 5:We think online communication should be limited because now 90% of young generation is addicted, so we need to do something. We must be helpful to the world, be productive, conscientious and courteous. We just need to try not to waste time and use the online communication for good purposes.
Завершення уроку
1. Підведення підсумків уроку.
• What
were the most compelling reasons for each side?
• What
were the areas of agreement?
• What
questions do you still have? Where can you get more information?
записують відповіді на відео і розміщають
його на українському Інтернет каналі
TV для
подальшого обговорення зі школярами
США і Тайваню.
2. Домашнє завдання:
you agree, disagree, or are you still undecided about the Deliberated
Question? At home go to Wiki TV platform and post your comment and
take part in further discussions with the students from the USA and
підручника. Текст The
Pros and Cons of Online Dating
матеріал і структура дискусії міжнародного
проекту Deliberating
in a Democracy”
майданчик Wiki
TV, створений
учнями гімназії “Троєщина”- платформа
для дискусій.
Відео, записане учнями і розміщене на
WikiTV, 11 Grade. Online life. і подальше обговорення ключового
питання в Інтернеті зі школярами США і
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